Sunday, May 14, 2006

Congratulations to the Class of 2006!
We would like to extend our congratulations to the newest members of the Executive Fellows Alumni- the 2006 graduates! Congratulations to everyone. This is sure to be an enjoyable, relaxing summer for you that is well deserved.

The 2006 graduating class includes: Bill Bezek, Carla Boren, Janet Broll, Kent Cantrell, Robert Contaldi, David Corwin, Gretchen Deaton, Kurt Dellos, Jeff Gaidos, Matt Heinrich, Nancy Keil-Culbertson, Padraic McFreen, Kevin McIntosh, Spencer Parsons, Virginia Picotte, Chris Pierson, Rhonda Self, Phil Stump, Cory Sullivan, and Mark Zieman.

As President of the EF Alumni Association I had the privilege to be a part of the Pinning Ceremony held on May 5th at Rockhurst. The energy in the room was amazing and I was honored to have the chance to share this moment with the class of 2006. I arrived early for the Pinning Ceremony and sat in on the last few Credo Presentations. Wow! What a powerful experience. The passion and camaraderie in the room reminded me how meaningful, and in many cases life changing the 2 year program is. I was given the chance to hear some very touching Credos from some wonderful people- the graduating Executive Fellows. I truly appreciate being able to share that experience with the class- thank you.

As I drove home after the ceremony I reflected on my experience in the program. I remembered how significant the relationships I built with my classmates were. I remembered the tears we shed together in support of one another. I remembered the trust we built. I remembered the love. The Executive Fellows MBA program, the knowledge gained, the friendships made, the ability to explore new ground in a safe, supportive environment was huge for me. I would venture to say that chances are it was huge for many of us reading this today.

I wonder what it is that causes me to get caught up in my daily life so much that I allow myself to loose touch with something so meaningful. I was given a small wake up call that I will embrace.

Congratulations Class of 2006. You are no longer MBA students. You are Executive Fellows Alumni. Welcome.


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