Monday, May 15, 2006

11th Annual Rockhurst University Gala

Join us this fall as Rockhurst University Rocks the City and presents its 11th Annual Gala on Saturday, October 28, 2006! This is an annual black-tie event that raises funds for scholarships and student services. This year’s Gala will cap a weekend of inauguration festivities recognizing the Rev. Thomas B. Curran, O.S.F.S. as the University’s 14th president.

Your support of Rockhurst’s Gala is vital to the University’s continued success:

Since nearly 85 percent of our students depend on financial assistance and scholarships, your support provides a Rockhurst education for hundreds of deserving students in need.
Gala proceeds assist more than 50 students each year in devoting their spring breaks to international service projects in Belize, Guatemala, Mexico and El Salvador.
Your sponsorship reinforces our Jesuit mission of educating the whole student – mind, body and spirit – by enhancing student services and campus beautification projects.

As Rockhurst Executive Fellows Alumni, we invite you to join us at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown Muehlebach Tower for an elegant evening of dining and dancing to celebrate the students, programs and community partners of Rockhurst University.

The Executive Fellows Alumni Association has set a goal to fill up 5 tables at the Gala. That is only 25 couples. I have begun to coordinate with fellow alumni from my graduating class (2004) to fill at least one table, and I am sure if you contact your fellow alumni we can fill up many more and have a great time. This will be a fun night out with special friends and the proceeds will go to a great cause. Contact me (Dan LoIacono) at to reserve your seat at one of our Executive Fellows tables or contact the Alumni Office at (816) 501-4807. Tickets are only $200 per person.

Additional ways to contribute as a Benefactor are available if you have an interest. Benefactors will receive recognition in the Gala program and invitations to the Benefactor Party. The following information details giving levels and benefits.

Benefactor Giving Levels

¨ Metropolitan Benefactor $25,000 Special Recognition; Table of 10
Twelve Benefactor Party Invitations

¨ Skyline Benefactor $10,000 Table of 10 at Rockhurst Gala
Ten Benefactor Party Invitations

¨ Cityscape Benefactor $ 5,000 Table of 10 at Rockhurst Gala
Six Benefactor Party Invitations

¨ Skyscraper Benefactor $ 3,000 Table of 10 at Rockhurst Gala
Four Benefactor Party Invitations

¨ Cornerstone Benefactor $ 2,000 Table of 10 at Rockhurst Gala
Two Benefactor Party Invitations

¨ Foundation Benefactor $ 1,000 Two Tickets to Rockhurst Gala
Two Benefactor Party Invitations

Rockhurst University is proud of its tradition as an independent, Jesuit institution of higher learning, located in the educational and cultural heart of Kansas City. With your support, Rockhurst will continue to meet the challenges of the future by developing today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders.


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