Monday, May 15, 2006

Rockhurst Gets the Gold

As you probably know the Rockhurst Helzberg School of Management has been working towards achieving the Association to Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Accreditation for a number of years. This Accreditation is a coveted distinction among universities and less than 10 percent of business schools in the world have earned the accreditation.

January marked the final hurtle of the long process to earn the distinction. It involved a “peer review”. The peer review team filed its report in April. The result was a unanimous recommendation that we receive the AACSB Accreditation. In discussing this success, James Daley, Ph.D., Dean of the Helzberg School told the reporters for the Rock Report that “this says that the Helzberg School has demonstrated to the premier international accrediting body for business schools that its programs and faculty are the highest caliber.” This accreditation will benefit Rockhurst graduates and the employers that hire them.

We are proud to have earned the Gold. Congratulations and thanks go out in recognition of the hard work and dedication demonstrated by the faculty and staff that were involved in making this dream become a reality.


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