Sunday, October 22, 2006

Year in Review

As President for the 2005-2006 year, I gave a brief “Year in Review” at the annual meeting. Here are some of my notes from that review.

What Happened (Successes)
· Fr. Curran appointed as the 14th President of our university.
· The EF MBA program received the AACSB Accreditation this year.
· The U.S News and World Report ranked Rockhurst No. 14 in the Masters Midwest category. There are over 140 universities in the Midwest in this category.
· Rockhurst Day on September 29th was a big success and lots of fun for all.
· The EF database is being updated and synced with the general alumni association
· We made some updates/modifications to the website…but not to the extent we intended
· We initiated a regular newsletter to compliment the regular mail
· We participated in the regular alumni association board and continued to build stronger relationships with that organization.
· Rockhurst has a new online alumni directory- Everyone is encouraged to update their information online.
To login visit
You will need your constituent ID number which you can find on the mailing label attached to your alumni newsletter or other alumni mailings. Enter your ID preceded by @00. Then create a personalized username and password for future visits.

What Didn’t Happen
· We did not schedule regular social activities
· We did not charge annual dues since we did not have a clear direction regarding how the dues would be used.
· The annual EF picnic was cancelled by Rockhurst due to inadequate historical attendance and a need to reduce costs wherever possible.

Some Future Opportunities
· Define the mission or purpose of the EF Alumni Association. What do the alumni want from the association and what do they don’t want?
o How do we reignite member enthusiasm and involvement?
o How is the mission defined?
· Rockhurst Gala Sat. Oct 28th - Kansas City Marriott Downtown Muehlebach Tower.


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