Monday, October 23, 2006

“A Shared Vision for the EF Alumni Association”
There was a great deal of very positive discussion at our meeting on various topics. One topic that we spent some time on was the vision for the EF Alumni Association. What do our members want from their association and how can we provide it? We decided to put a task force together to look at that question and define two to three key initiatives that can be focused on within the next twelve months to increase the value of the Alumni Association to its members.

The kickoff meeting for the task force is proposed to be sometime in November. I have offered to coordinate this group and will be discussing the details with the new Board of Directors to ensure we move ahead together. I have already received some great support from some of our alumni offering to be involved in this process and would welcome additional alumni involvement. Your opinion and perspective is important and will enable us to move in a direction that is helpful for you. If you are interested in participating please e-mail me and I will put you on the distribution list for the upcoming meeting.

My contact info is DCL@ABMI.NET (913) 341-6300 (office) (913) 488-7038 (mobile)


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